What the Truth Reveals

Truth is a powerful entity. Some wield it like a weapon, others like a tool, and as much as we want to believe there is an objectivity and rigidity to truth, it is a lot more elastic than we care to admit. Though two people experience the same event, the truth of that encounter will […]

What Sustains Us?

What Sustains Us? A simple meal, a moment of rest, a kind word, a heartfelt prayer. What sustains us? Sometimes sustenance merely keeps us going through the day, a way to string the moments like a rosary and reach a satisfying type of conclusion. But sometimes sustenance must pierce more deeply and bolster more strongly […]

The Necessity of Art

  THE NECESSITY OF ART What is essential Recently, there have been a spate of articles on how to pack a “go” bag in the event of a natural disaster or calamity that requires leaving in a hurry with only what is necessary.  Of course food, water, medicine, and documents are the type of essentials […]

Seeking Permanence

Seeking Permanence Sometimes we find ourselves in the unlikeliest places – a church rummage sale on a summer Saturday, for instance.  Moreover, sometimes we find our selves in the unlikeliest places.  A serendipitous situation, the “right place at the right time,” or a chance encounter with a stranger illumines something in ourselves we have not […]

Crisis of Faith

  Crisis of Faith When we feel blessed, it’s easy to say, “God is good, God is good all the time”. What happens when life becomes hard and unbearable due to financial reversal, illness, divorce, loss of a loved one or….? In our first story, The High Places by Fiona McFarlane, it takes five hard […]